Wednesday 29 September 2010

Lesson 1.

In the first lesson we had of media studies we were taught about the different conventions you would normally see on the front page of a magazine. These were;
  •  Mast head which helps people know the name of the magazine, this is usually in a large font at the top of the page which catches the eye of the reader
  • Price which tells you how much the magazine is
  • Bar code this is on every magazine so you can pay for it
  • Website address which will have lots more information and weekly topics on to read
  • Coverlines these are normally the most interesting stories in the magazine and give you a summary of what they are about with a small picture
  • Cover image this is the main image on the magazine and helps the reader determine the genre of the magazine and its normally the main story of the magazine
These are labelled below.

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