Wednesday 29 September 2010

Audience Groups.

We also learned in our first lesson the different catergories people get put into to define audience groups for magazines.
  • Suceeders - This is a person who wants products that increase their power and control of life.
  • Aspirers - This is a person who wants products to improve there image and they are a fashionable person. Magazines such as Vougue and Cosmo.
  • Carers - This is a person who cares for others.
  • Acheievers - this is a person who is motivated by their acheievment.
  • Radicals - This is a person who goes against traditonal veiws and values.
  • Traditionalist - This is a person who stickes to traditional veiws and values, the opposite of a Radical.
  • Underacheievers - This is a person who fails to acheive their potential best and doesnt do as well as they expect.

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